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February Messenger newsletter




Website            Contact:

Pastoral Leader – Val Hulme ( Days Off Tuesdays and Fridays)

email :         TEL  07817142192

Check LBC website for updates and info  also LBC FACEBOOK page       


Dates for your diary

Sun 2nd Feb              10.45am       worship service                  Val Hulme

Sun 9th Feb               10.45am       Open Service

Sun 16th Feb                        10.45am       Sunday Bible Study            Val Hulme    

Sun 23rd Feb                        10.45am       Communion Service          Rev’d Neil Brighton

Please arrive promptly so you hear the notices and the theme of the service


Wednesdays throughout February 10-11am Prayer Meeting    (drinks from 9.45am)                                               Wed 12th February  11.15am Deacons’ Meeting                                                                                                       Mon 24th February 7pm-8.30pm  Music Group  (tbc)*  if you are interested in joining this group please speak to Miriam

Other users of the building :   Wednesdays 7.30pm  All Singers Great and Small Community Choir               Thursdays 10-12  Atherton and Leigh Foodbank Charity

~~  It has been decided to discontinue our monthly Coffee +  due to low attendances ~~


Sat March 22nd 10amto 1pm Lymm Baptist Church a women’s event with the theme “Draw Closer” providing an opportunity to come together, share stories, be encouraged and find out how we can better support one another.  Bookings are free. See Val for more information and if you need a lift there.


Longings and Decisions


 We are now in a New Year. What do we hope for? Some people hope for better health, or more money, a better house, or even somewhere to live and some long for an end to wars, other devastating problems. Young people hope to do well at school or college, and find work. As Christians, what should be the motive behind our longings, planning and making decisions? Let us look at some people in the Bible to see how they carried out their responsibilities and start with examples from the Old Testament.


    Following all God’s instructions, Moses led the Children of Israel out of Egypt, through the wilderness, almost to the Promised Land of Canaan, but he died before he could enter that land. In Joshua 1 we read that God then spoke to Moses’ assistant, Joshua, and said, “Get ready ---- to cross the River Jordan into the land I am giving you.” “No-one can defeat you as long as you live.” “As I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will never leave you or forsake you.” God also instructed him to keep the law that had been given to Moses. Verses 8 & 9 say, “Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do everything written in it.  Be strong and very courageous, don’t be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Because Joshua depended upon and obeyed God, the Israelites were able to win their battles and settle down in the land of Canaan. Before he died at the age of 110 Joshua told all ‘his elders, judges and officials’ that there was still land to be conquered, but they needed to be very strong and obey all the Law of Moses. Afterwards he summoned all the tribes of Israel together and said, “Fear the Lord and serve Him with all faithfulness”, and “Choose you this day whom you will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” The people replied that they would serve the Lord because He had rescued them from slavery in Egypt and led them to live in the Promised Land of Canaan. They made the promise, “We will serve the Lord our God and obey Him.”


  In 2 Chronicles 15:19 we read that there was peace in the land of Judah for 35 years because their king, Asa, did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, but then he started to rely on other kings for help instead of asking God for guidance. It was then that the prophet, Hanani, rebuked him for relying on the king of Aram instead of the Lord.


    We learn from these examples that we need to LISTEN and OBEY God, BELIEVE God’s promises, SERVE ONLY HIM and FOLLOW IN HIS WAYS.


    In the New Testament we read of the birth, life on earth, death and resurrection of our Saviour Jesus Christ who, as God’s Son, defeated sin and death to enable us to be reconciled to our Heavenly Father. The anointing of the Holy Spirit made a huge difference in the lives of the Disciples as we learn from the way Peter addressed the crowds on the Day of Pentecost. He had denied even knowing Jesus, yet here he was, telling everyone about God’s Son.

Paul, as Saul, met Jesus in a flash of light on the Damascus Road when he was on his way to persecute the Christians, and heard Him say, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” “I am Jesus whom you are persecuting.” (Acts 9) That encounter completely turned his life around to become one of Jesus’ followers. In Philippians 3:4 - 4:1 we read what a difference that had made to his longings and desires. He said

he was a true Israelite of the tribe of Benjamin. He was meticulous in keeping all of the Law. As a Pharisee he persecuted the Church and was on his way to Damascus to look for the Christians and to take them as prisoners to Jerusalem. But afterwards he said that whatever was to his profit he now considered loss for the sake of Christ. All his desires changed to wanting to know Jesus and the power of His resurrection,--- in the hope that he would be raised from death to life. (vs7,8,10,11) Paul goes on to say in vs12-14 that he still has a long way to go , but says, “One thing I do: Forgetting what is behind ---, I press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenwards in Christ Jesus.” Paul gave up a lot, but he considered that it was far better to know Jesus Christ and to serve him.


    There are many calls on our time these days, and many different influences. We therefore need to know what is the truth. Let us each consider if we have got our priorities right. As Christians let us follow Paul’s advice and “press on towards the goal” by trusting in and serving the Lord. We need to read our Bibles to learn from people in both the Old and New Testaments, and to know God’s will for us we also need to spend time talking and listening to Him in Prayer. 

Kathie.                                                                                            Quotes : NIV, GNB.




We were delighted  to see the right hand of Fellowship extended to our newest Deacon Linda on Sunday 26th January with lots of friends and supporters sharing the special moment.

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