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"Messenger" newsletter NOV




Website :            Contact:

   Pastoral Leader – Val Hulme ( Day Off  Fridays)

   email :          TEL  07817142192

   Check LBC website for updates and info also LBC FACEBOOK page             


Sunday 5th November 10:45 am:  Val Hulme

Sunday 12th November  No service * see note below *

Sunday 19th November 10:45am: Worship Service and Church and Congregation Annual General Meeting

Sunday 26th November 10:45am: Communion Service  Val Hulme


Wednesdays 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th November   Prayer Meeting  10:00 - 11:00 am  Meet at 9:45am for tea/coffee/chat


Saturday 4th November Chat 'n' a Brew 10:00am - 12:00pm **


Saturdays 11th, 18th, and 25th November  Walking With You Mutual Support Network 10:00 am - 12:00 noon 


Thursday 16th November Coffee+  1:00 - 3:30pm **


Deacons Meet: Wed 22nd Novr 11:15 am. Strategy Group: Thursday 2nd Nov 1:15 pm


Our next Church and Congregation Meeting will be on Sunday November 19th. It will be a Worship Service with Church and Congregation Annual General Meeting, starting at 10:45 am.


* Instead of a service on Remembrance Sunday, November 12th, we are giving people the opportunity to join the service at the Cenotaph.  We will once again be serving tea/coffee to passers-by. We had some good conversations last year - plus good weather!  We will need help with setting up the gazebo, and tables and chairs. (if the weather is good.) (9:45am) Please let Jean or Val know if you are able to help with this, you will still be able to join with the service at the Cenotaph should you wish to.


** This month sees the start of a new venture and the return of another. On the first Saturday of each month, we will be holding Chat 'n' a Brew, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm where you can come along for a coffee/tea/biscuits and a chat. Come for the whole 2 hours, or pop in for a shorter time.  

On the third Thursday of the month, we are bringing back our popular Coffee+ session, 1:00 - 3:30pm. Come along to chat, read a newspaper, attempt a jigsaw, play board games, craft (card making, crochet, knitting etc) or simply chat over a drink. 


Pastoral News    We were saddened to hear of the death of Kathleen Blears on 23rd October. Her funeral service will be held in church on Monday 6th November, 11:00 am, led by our Pastoral Leader. Our condolences and prayers are with the family.


Advance Notices

All Singers Great and Small Community Choir will be presenting a Christmas Concert in church on Wednesday 6th December, 7:30 pm.  Tickets, £5.00, will be available later this month.  (See Val)

Once again, we will be selling calendars, featuring the artwork of Linda Davey and Sandra Surridge.  The A3 size 2024 calendar will cost £8.00, or £10.50 if it needs to be posted. Thanks to Linda and Sandra for freely giving of their time and talents


God’s Guidance

   This year has seen so many disasters of different kinds we thought it couldn’t get any worse. The continual war in Ukraine was being shown to us on news items, but then came the horrible attack with hostage taking and killing of Israeli citizens, including visitors from other countries, and then the effort by Israel to finally stop Hamas. This in turn has led to the horrible situation in Gaza. All this in graphic detail is shown many times daily on all news channels. This affects not only those in the midst of it, but people all over the world, especially many of their relatives and friends living abroad.


   As Christians, how do we react to all of this? Our first priority is to pray for the people of the Middle East, that the conflict may not spread and for a swift end to it, and above all, that the will of God will be done, for we really do not know what to pray for. However, Romans 8:26 tells us that “the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” We cannot condone all the suffering being experienced on both sides, but we do need to know the history of Israel, God’s chosen people. If we look back through the Old Testament we see that when God led the Israelites out of Egypt, through the Wilderness to Canaan, the land that He had promised to give them, other people were living there. As long as they obeyed God’s instructions, He promised to help them to win any battles. We can read about what is perhaps the best known of these in Joshua 6. This tells of the battle of Jericho, when God told Joshua exactly what to do. With the Ark of the Covenant following the armed men and seven priests with trumpets leading the way, everyone had to march round the walls of the city once every day. On the seventh day they had to march round it seven times. When the trumpets were blown Joshua told the people, “Shout, for the Lord has given you the city!” When the trumpets sounded and the people shouted, “the wall fell down flat. Then the people went into the city --- and took it.” (Joshua 6:16 & 20)


      We see from this example that when God’s people listen to His instructions and obey them that He leads them. In this day and age the Nations seem to have forgotten how to listen to the voice of God to guide them. It is also true of many individuals. In Matthew 5:38-39 Jesus said that people should not say, “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”, which was the way in those days, but should “turn the other cheek” instead and not take revenge. How do people know what is right? Psalm 119:30 says, “The entrance of your words gives light.” When we become Christians God’s Holy Spirit enters into us and guides us into all truth, but we each have to listen to God’s instructions, however they are given, then trust Him enough to follow what He says. It might be a verse of scripture or promptings in our own mind or from someone else. Jesus said in John 8:12, “I am the light of the World.” His light shines into the dark places in this world. As I write world leaders are visiting the Middle East to plead for caution on all sides. God is shining His light into the situation, but will it be heeded?   John 1:1-14 tells us that Jesus is the Light and the Word that was in the beginning and was God, then became flesh and lived among us, but was not received by His people. Those who did (and do) receive Him God “gave the right to become children of God, even those who believe in His name.” (v12)

   May we recognise and follow the guidance God gives to us.         Kathie     Quotes from NKJV




Website :            Contact:

   Pastoral Leader – Val Hulme ( Day Off  Fridays)

   email :          TEL  07817142192

   Check LBC website for updates and info also LBC FACEBOOK page             


Sunday 5th November 10:45 am:  Val Hulme

Sunday 12th November  No service * see note below *

Sunday 19th November 10:45am: Worship Service and Church and Congregation Annual General Meeting

Sunday 26th November 10:45am: Communion Service  Val Hulme


Wednesdays 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th November   Prayer Meeting  10:00 - 11:00 am  Meet at 9:45am for tea/coffee/chat


Saturday 4th November Chat 'n' a Brew 10:00am - 12:00pm **


Saturdays 11th, 18th, and 25th November  Walking With You Mutual Support Network 10:00 am - 12:00 noon 


Thursday 16th November Coffee+  1:00 - 3:30pm **


Deacons Meet: Wed 22nd Novr 11:15 am. Strategy Group: Thursday 2nd Nov 1:15 pm


Our next Church and Congregation Meeting will be on Sunday November 19th. It will be a Worship Service with Church and Congregation Annual General Meeting, starting at 10:45 am.


* Instead of a service on Remembrance Sunday, November 12th, we are giving people the opportunity to join the service at the Cenotaph.  We will once again be serving tea/coffee to passers-by. We had some good conversations last year - plus good weather!  We will need help with setting up the gazebo, and tables and chairs. (if the weather is good.) (9:45am) Please let Jean or Val know if you are able to help with this, you will still be able to join with the service at the Cenotaph should you wish to.


** This month sees the start of a new venture and the return of another. On the first Saturday of each month, we will be holding Chat 'n' a Brew, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm where you can come along for a coffee/tea/biscuits and a chat. Come for the whole 2 hours, or pop in for a shorter time.  

On the third Thursday of the month, we are bringing back our popular Coffee+ session, 1:00 - 3:30pm. Come along to chat, read a newspaper, attempt a jigsaw, play board games, craft (card making, crochet, knitting etc) or simply chat over a drink. 


Pastoral News    We were saddened to hear of the death of Kathleen Blears on 23rd October. Her funeral service will be held in church on Monday 6th November, 11:00 am, led by our Pastoral Leader. Our condolences and prayers are with the family.


Advance Notices

All Singers Great and Small Community Choir will be presenting a Christmas Concert in church on Wednesday 6th December, 7:30 pm.  Tickets, £5.00, will be available later this month.  (See Val)

Once again, we will be selling calendars, featuring the artwork of Linda Davey and Sandra Surridge.  The A3 size 2024 calendar will cost £8.00, or £10.50 if it needs to be posted. Thanks to Linda and Sandra for freely giving of their time and talents


God’s Guidance

   This year has seen so many disasters of different kinds we thought it couldn’t get any worse. The continual war in Ukraine was being shown to us on news items, but then came the horrible attack with hostage taking and killing of Israeli citizens, including visitors from other countries, and then the effort by Israel to finally stop Hamas. This in turn has led to the horrible situation in Gaza. All this in graphic detail is shown many times daily on all news channels. This affects not only those in the midst of it, but people all over the world, especially many of their relatives and friends living abroad.


   As Christians, how do we react to all of this? Our first priority is to pray for the people of the Middle East, that the conflict may not spread and for a swift end to it, and above all, that the will of God will be done, for we really do not know what to pray for. However, Romans 8:26 tells us that “the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” We cannot condone all the suffering being experienced on both sides, but we do need to know the history of Israel, God’s chosen people. If we look back through the Old Testament we see that when God led the Israelites out of Egypt, through the Wilderness to Canaan, the land that He had promised to give them, other people were living there. As long as they obeyed God’s instructions, He promised to help them to win any battles. We can read about what is perhaps the best known of these in Joshua 6. This tells of the battle of Jericho, when God told Joshua exactly what to do. With the Ark of the Covenant following the armed men and seven priests with trumpets leading the way, everyone had to march round the walls of the city once every day. On the seventh day they had to march round it seven times. When the trumpets were blown Joshua told the people, “Shout, for the Lord has given you the city!” When the trumpets sounded and the people shouted, “the wall fell down flat. Then the people went into the city --- and took it.” (Joshua 6:16 & 20)


      We see from this example that when God’s people listen to His instructions and obey them that He leads them. In this day and age the Nations seem to have forgotten how to listen to the voice of God to guide them. It is also true of many individuals. In Matthew 5:38-39 Jesus said that people should not say, “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”, which was the way in those days, but should “turn the other cheek” instead and not take revenge. How do people know what is right? Psalm 119:30 says, “The entrance of your words gives light.” When we become Christians God’s Holy Spirit enters into us and guides us into all truth, but we each have to listen to God’s instructions, however they are given, then trust Him enough to follow what He says. It might be a verse of scripture or promptings in our own mind or from someone else. Jesus said in John 8:12, “I am the light of the World.” His light shines into the dark places in this world. As I write world leaders are visiting the Middle East to plead for caution on all sides. God is shining His light into the situation, but will it be heeded?   John 1:1-14 tells us that Jesus is the Light and the Word that was in the beginning and was God, then became flesh and lived among us, but was not received by His people. Those who did (and do) receive Him God “gave the right to become children of God, even those who believe in His name.” (v12)

   May we recognise and follow the guidance God gives to us.         Kathie     Quotes from NKJV




Website :            Contact:

   Pastoral Leader – Val Hulme ( Day Off  Fridays)

   email :          TEL  07817142192

   Check LBC website for updates and info also LBC FACEBOOK page             


Sunday 5th November 10:45 am:  Val Hulme

Sunday 12th November  No service * see note below *

Sunday 19th November 10:45am: Worship Service and Church and Congregation Annual General Meeting

Sunday 26th November 10:45am: Communion Service  Val Hulme


Wednesdays 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th November   Prayer Meeting  10:00 - 11:00 am  Meet at 9:45am for tea/coffee/chat


Saturday 4th November Chat 'n' a Brew 10:00am - 12:00pm **


Saturdays 11th, 18th, and 25th November  Walking With You Mutual Support Network 10:00 am - 12:00 noon 


Thursday 16th November Coffee+  1:00 - 3:30pm **


Deacons Meet: Wed 22nd Novr 11:15 am. Strategy Group: Thursday 2nd Nov 1:15 pm


Our next Church and Congregation Meeting will be on Sunday November 19th. It will be a Worship Service with Church and Congregation Annual General Meeting, starting at 10:45 am.


* Instead of a service on Remembrance Sunday, November 12th, we are giving people the opportunity to join the service at the Cenotaph.  We will once again be serving tea/coffee to passers-by. We had some good conversations last year - plus good weather!  We will need help with setting up the gazebo, and tables and chairs. (if the weather is good.) (9:45am) Please let Jean or Val know if you are able to help with this, you will still be able to join with the service at the Cenotaph should you wish to.


** This month sees the start of a new venture and the return of another. On the first Saturday of each month, we will be holding Chat 'n' a Brew, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm where you can come along for a coffee/tea/biscuits and a chat. Come for the whole 2 hours, or pop in for a shorter time.  

On the third Thursday of the month, we are bringing back our popular Coffee+ session, 1:00 - 3:30pm. Come along to chat, read a newspaper, attempt a jigsaw, play board games, craft (card making, crochet, knitting etc) or simply chat over a drink. 


Pastoral News    We were saddened to hear of the death of Kathleen Blears on 23rd October. Her funeral service will be held in church on Monday 6th November, 11:00 am, led by our Pastoral Leader. Our condolences and prayers are with the family.


Advance Notices

All Singers Great and Small Community Choir will be presenting a Christmas Concert in church on Wednesday 6th December, 7:30 pm.  Tickets, £5.00, will be available later this month.  (See Val)

Once again, we will be selling calendars, featuring the artwork of Linda Davey and Sandra Surridge.  The A3 size 2024 calendar will cost £8.00, or £10.50 if it needs to be posted. Thanks to Linda and Sandra for freely giving of their time and talents


God’s Guidance

   This year has seen so many disasters of different kinds we thought it couldn’t get any worse. The continual war in Ukraine was being shown to us on news items, but then came the horrible attack with hostage taking and killing of Israeli citizens, including visitors from other countries, and then the effort by Israel to finally stop Hamas. This in turn has led to the horrible situation in Gaza. All this in graphic detail is shown many times daily on all news channels. This affects not only those in the midst of it, but people all over the world, especially many of their relatives and friends living abroad.


   As Christians, how do we react to all of this? Our first priority is to pray for the people of the Middle East, that the conflict may not spread and for a swift end to it, and above all, that the will of God will be done, for we really do not know what to pray for. However, Romans 8:26 tells us that “the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” We cannot condone all the suffering being experienced on both sides, but we do need to know the history of Israel, God’s chosen people. If we look back through the Old Testament we see that when God led the Israelites out of Egypt, through the Wilderness to Canaan, the land that He had promised to give them, other people were living there. As long as they obeyed God’s instructions, He promised to help them to win any battles. We can read about what is perhaps the best known of these in Joshua 6. This tells of the battle of Jericho, when God told Joshua exactly what to do. With the Ark of the Covenant following the armed men and seven priests with trumpets leading the way, everyone had to march round the walls of the city once every day. On the seventh day they had to march round it seven times. When the trumpets were blown Joshua told the people, “Shout, for the Lord has given you the city!” When the trumpets sounded and the people shouted, “the wall fell down flat. Then the people went into the city --- and took it.” (Joshua 6:16 & 20)


      We see from this example that when God’s people listen to His instructions and obey them that He leads them. In this day and age the Nations seem to have forgotten how to listen to the voice of God to guide them. It is also true of many individuals. In Matthew 5:38-39 Jesus said that people should not say, “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”, which was the way in those days, but should “turn the other cheek” instead and not take revenge. How do people know what is right? Psalm 119:30 says, “The entrance of your words gives light.” When we become Christians God’s Holy Spirit enters into us and guides us into all truth, but we each have to listen to God’s instructions, however they are given, then trust Him enough to follow what He says. It might be a verse of scripture or promptings in our own mind or from someone else. Jesus said in John 8:12, “I am the light of the World.” His light shines into the dark places in this world. As I write world leaders are visiting the Middle East to plead for caution on all sides. God is shining His light into the situation, but will it be heeded?   John 1:1-14 tells us that Jesus is the Light and the Word that was in the beginning and was God, then became flesh and lived among us, but was not received by His people. Those who did (and do) receive Him God “gave the right to become children of God, even those who believe in His name.” (v12)

   May we recognise and follow the guidance God gives to us.         Kathie     Quotes from NKJV




Website :            Contact:

   Pastoral Leader – Val Hulme ( Day Off  Fridays)

   email :          TEL  07817142192

   Check LBC website for updates and info also LBC FACEBOOK page             


Sunday 5th November 10:45 am:  Val Hulme

Sunday 12th November  No service * see note below *

Sunday 19th November 10:45am: Worship Service and Church and Congregation Annual General Meeting

Sunday 26th November 10:45am: Communion Service  Val Hulme


Wednesdays 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th November   Prayer Meeting  10:00 - 11:00 am  Meet at 9:45am for tea/coffee/chat


Saturday 4th November Chat 'n' a Brew 10:00am - 12:00pm **


Saturdays 11th, 18th, and 25th November  Walking With You Mutual Support Network 10:00 am - 12:00 noon 


Thursday 16th November Coffee+  1:00 - 3:30pm **


Deacons Meet: Wed 22nd Novr 11:15 am. Strategy Group: Thursday 2nd Nov 1:15 pm


Our next Church and Congregation Meeting will be on Sunday November 19th. It will be a Worship Service with Church and Congregation Annual General Meeting, starting at 10:45 am.


* Instead of a service on Remembrance Sunday, November 12th, we are giving people the opportunity to join the service at the Cenotaph.  We will once again be serving tea/coffee to passers-by. We had some good conversations last year - plus good weather!  We will need help with setting up the gazebo, and tables and chairs. (if the weather is good.) (9:45am) Please let Jean or Val know if you are able to help with this, you will still be able to join with the service at the Cenotaph should you wish to.


** This month sees the start of a new venture and the return of another. On the first Saturday of each month, we will be holding Chat 'n' a Brew, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm where you can come along for a coffee/tea/biscuits and a chat. Come for the whole 2 hours, or pop in for a shorter time.  

On the third Thursday of the month, we are bringing back our popular Coffee+ session, 1:00 - 3:30pm. Come along to chat, read a newspaper, attempt a jigsaw, play board games, craft (card making, crochet, knitting etc) or simply chat over a drink. 


Pastoral News    We were saddened to hear of the death of Kathleen Blears on 23rd October. Her funeral service will be held in church on Monday 6th November, 11:00 am, led by our Pastoral Leader. Our condolences and prayers are with the family.


Advance Notices

All Singers Great and Small Community Choir will be presenting a Christmas Concert in church on Wednesday 6th December, 7:30 pm.  Tickets, £5.00, will be available later this month.  (See Val)

Once again, we will be selling calendars, featuring the artwork of Linda Davey and Sandra Surridge.  The A3 size 2024 calendar will cost £8.00, or £10.50 if it needs to be posted. Thanks to Linda and Sandra for freely giving of their time and talents


God’s Guidance

   This year has seen so many disasters of different kinds we thought it couldn’t get any worse. The continual war in Ukraine was being shown to us on news items, but then came the horrible attack with hostage taking and killing of Israeli citizens, including visitors from other countries, and then the effort by Israel to finally stop Hamas. This in turn has led to the horrible situation in Gaza. All this in graphic detail is shown many times daily on all news channels. This affects not only those in the midst of it, but people all over the world, especially many of their relatives and friends living abroad.


   As Christians, how do we react to all of this? Our first priority is to pray for the people of the Middle East, that the conflict may not spread and for a swift end to it, and above all, that the will of God will be done, for we really do not know what to pray for. However, Romans 8:26 tells us that “the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” We cannot condone all the suffering being experienced on both sides, but we do need to know the history of Israel, God’s chosen people. If we look back through the Old Testament we see that when God led the Israelites out of Egypt, through the Wilderness to Canaan, the land that He had promised to give them, other people were living there. As long as they obeyed God’s instructions, He promised to help them to win any battles. We can read about what is perhaps the best known of these in Joshua 6. This tells of the battle of Jericho, when God told Joshua exactly what to do. With the Ark of the Covenant following the armed men and seven priests with trumpets leading the way, everyone had to march round the walls of the city once every day. On the seventh day they had to march round it seven times. When the trumpets were blown Joshua told the people, “Shout, for the Lord has given you the city!” When the trumpets sounded and the people shouted, “the wall fell down flat. Then the people went into the city --- and took it.” (Joshua 6:16 & 20)


      We see from this example that when God’s people listen to His instructions and obey them that He leads them. In this day and age the Nations seem to have forgotten how to listen to the voice of God to guide them. It is also true of many individuals. In Matthew 5:38-39 Jesus said that people should not say, “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”, which was the way in those days, but should “turn the other cheek” instead and not take revenge. How do people know what is right? Psalm 119:30 says, “The entrance of your words gives light.” When we become Christians God’s Holy Spirit enters into us and guides us into all truth, but we each have to listen to God’s instructions, however they are given, then trust Him enough to follow what He says. It might be a verse of scripture or promptings in our own mind or from someone else. Jesus said in John 8:12, “I am the light of the World.” His light shines into the dark places in this world. As I write world leaders are visiting the Middle East to plead for caution on all sides. God is shining His light into the situation, but will it be heeded?   John 1:1-14 tells us that Jesus is the Light and the Word that was in the beginning and was God, then became flesh and lived among us, but was not received by His people. Those who did (and do) receive Him God “gave the right to become children of God, even those who believe in His name.” (v12)

   May we recognise and follow the guidance God gives to us.         Kathie     Quotes from NKJV




Website :            Contact:

   Pastoral Leader – Val Hulme ( Day Off  Fridays)

   email :          TEL  07817142192

   Check LBC website for updates and info also LBC FACEBOOK page             


Sunday 5th November 10:45 am:  Val Hulme

Sunday 12th November  No service * see note below *

Sunday 19th November 10:45am: Worship Service and Church and Congregation Annual General Meeting

Sunday 26th November 10:45am: Communion Service  Val Hulme


Wednesdays 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th November   Prayer Meeting  10:00 - 11:00 am  Meet at 9:45am for tea/coffee/chat


Saturday 4th November Chat 'n' a Brew 10:00am - 12:00pm **


Saturdays 11th, 18th, and 25th November  Walking With You Mutual Support Network 10:00 am - 12:00 noon 


Thursday 16th November Coffee+  1:00 - 3:30pm **


Deacons Meet: Wed 22nd Novr 11:15 am. Strategy Group: Thursday 2nd Nov 1:15 pm


Our next Church and Congregation Meeting will be on Sunday November 19th. It will be a Worship Service with Church and Congregation Annual General Meeting, starting at 10:45 am.


* Instead of a service on Remembrance Sunday, November 12th, we are giving people the opportunity to join the service at the Cenotaph.  We will once again be serving tea/coffee to passers-by. We had some good conversations last year - plus good weather!  We will need help with setting up the gazebo, and tables and chairs. (if the weather is good.) (9:45am) Please let Jean or Val know if you are able to help with this, you will still be able to join with the service at the Cenotaph should you wish to.


** This month sees the start of a new venture and the return of another. On the first Saturday of each month, we will be holding Chat 'n' a Brew, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm where you can come along for a coffee/tea/biscuits and a chat. Come for the whole 2 hours, or pop in for a shorter time.  

On the third Thursday of the month, we are bringing back our popular Coffee+ session, 1:00 - 3:30pm. Come along to chat, read a newspaper, attempt a jigsaw, play board games, craft (card making, crochet, knitting etc) or simply chat over a drink. 


Pastoral News    We were saddened to hear of the death of Kathleen Blears on 23rd October. Her funeral service will be held in church on Monday 6th November, 11:00 am, led by our Pastoral Leader. Our condolences and prayers are with the family.


Advance Notices

All Singers Great and Small Community Choir will be presenting a Christmas Concert in church on Wednesday 6th December, 7:30 pm.  Tickets, £5.00, will be available later this month.  (See Val)

Once again, we will be selling calendars, featuring the artwork of Linda Davey and Sandra Surridge.  The A3 size 2024 calendar will cost £8.00, or £10.50 if it needs to be posted. Thanks to Linda and Sandra for freely giving of their time and talents


God’s Guidance

   This year has seen so many disasters of different kinds we thought it couldn’t get any worse. The continual war in Ukraine was being shown to us on news items, but then came the horrible attack with hostage taking and killing of Israeli citizens, including visitors from other countries, and then the effort by Israel to finally stop Hamas. This in turn has led to the horrible situation in Gaza. All this in graphic detail is shown many times daily on all news channels. This affects not only those in the midst of it, but people all over the world, especially many of their relatives and friends living abroad.


   As Christians, how do we react to all of this? Our first priority is to pray for the people of the Middle East, that the conflict may not spread and for a swift end to it, and above all, that the will of God will be done, for we really do not know what to pray for. However, Romans 8:26 tells us that “the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” We cannot condone all the suffering being experienced on both sides, but we do need to know the history of Israel, God’s chosen people. If we look back through the Old Testament we see that when God led the Israelites out of Egypt, through the Wilderness to Canaan, the land that He had promised to give them, other people were living there. As long as they obeyed God’s instructions, He promised to help them to win any battles. We can read about what is perhaps the best known of these in Joshua 6. This tells of the battle of Jericho, when God told Joshua exactly what to do. With the Ark of the Covenant following the armed men and seven priests with trumpets leading the way, everyone had to march round the walls of the city once every day. On the seventh day they had to march round it seven times. When the trumpets were blown Joshua told the people, “Shout, for the Lord has given you the city!” When the trumpets sounded and the people shouted, “the wall fell down flat. Then the people went into the city --- and took it.” (Joshua 6:16 & 20)


      We see from this example that when God’s people listen to His instructions and obey them that He leads them. In this day and age the Nations seem to have forgotten how to listen to the voice of God to guide them. It is also true of many individuals. In Matthew 5:38-39 Jesus said that people should not say, “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”, which was the way in those days, but should “turn the other cheek” instead and not take revenge. How do people know what is right? Psalm 119:30 says, “The entrance of your words gives light.” When we become Christians God’s Holy Spirit enters into us and guides us into all truth, but we each have to listen to God’s instructions, however they are given, then trust Him enough to follow what He says. It might be a verse of scripture or promptings in our own mind or from someone else. Jesus said in John 8:12, “I am the light of the World.” His light shines into the dark places in this world. As I write world leaders are visiting the Middle East to plead for caution on all sides. God is shining His light into the situation, but will it be heeded?   John 1:1-14 tells us that Jesus is the Light and the Word that was in the beginning and was God, then became flesh and lived among us, but was not received by His people. Those who did (and do) receive Him God “gave the right to become children of God, even those who believe in His name.” (v12)

   May we recognise and follow the guidance God gives to us.         Kathie     Quotes from NKJV




Website :            Contact:

   Pastoral Leader – Val Hulme ( Day Off  Fridays)

   email :          TEL  07817142192

   Check LBC website for updates and info also LBC FACEBOOK page             


Sunday 5th November 10:45 am:  Val Hulme

Sunday 12th November  No service * see note below *

Sunday 19th November 10:45am: Worship Service and Church and Congregation Annual General Meeting

Sunday 26th November 10:45am: Communion Service  Val Hulme


Wednesdays 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th November   Prayer Meeting  10:00 - 11:00 am  Meet at 9:45am for tea/coffee/chat


Saturday 4th November Chat 'n' a Brew 10:00am - 12:00pm **


Saturdays 11th, 18th, and 25th November  Walking With You Mutual Support Network 10:00 am - 12:00 noon 


Thursday 16th November Coffee+  1:00 - 3:30pm **


Deacons Meet: Wed 22nd Novr 11:15 am. Strategy Group: Thursday 2nd Nov 1:15 pm


Our next Church and Congregation Meeting will be on Sunday November 19th. It will be a Worship Service with Church and Congregation Annual General Meeting, starting at 10:45 am.


* Instead of a service on Remembrance Sunday, November 12th, we are giving people the opportunity to join the service at the Cenotaph.  We will once again be serving tea/coffee to passers-by. We had some good conversations last year - plus good weather!  We will need help with setting up the gazebo, and tables and chairs. (if the weather is good.) (9:45am) Please let Jean or Val know if you are able to help with this, you will still be able to join with the service at the Cenotaph should you wish to.


** This month sees the start of a new venture and the return of another. On the first Saturday of each month, we will be holding Chat 'n' a Brew, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm where you can come along for a coffee/tea/biscuits and a chat. Come for the whole 2 hours, or pop in for a shorter time.  

On the third Thursday of the month, we are bringing back our popular Coffee+ session, 1:00 - 3:30pm. Come along to chat, read a newspaper, attempt a jigsaw, play board games, craft (card making, crochet, knitting etc) or simply chat over a drink. 


Pastoral News    We were saddened to hear of the death of Kathleen Blears on 23rd October. Her funeral service will be held in church on Monday 6th November, 11:00 am, led by our Pastoral Leader. Our condolences and prayers are with the family.


Advance Notices

All Singers Great and Small Community Choir will be presenting a Christmas Concert in church on Wednesday 6th December, 7:30 pm.  Tickets, £5.00, will be available later this month.  (See Val)

Once again, we will be selling calendars, featuring the artwork of Linda Davey and Sandra Surridge.  The A3 size 2024 calendar will cost £8.00, or £10.50 if it needs to be posted. Thanks to Linda and Sandra for freely giving of their time and talents


God’s Guidance

   This year has seen so many disasters of different kinds we thought it couldn’t get any worse. The continual war in Ukraine was being shown to us on news items, but then came the horrible attack with hostage taking and killing of Israeli citizens, including visitors from other countries, and then the effort by Israel to finally stop Hamas. This in turn has led to the horrible situation in Gaza. All this in graphic detail is shown many times daily on all news channels. This affects not only those in the midst of it, but people all over the world, especially many of their relatives and friends living abroad.


   As Christians, how do we react to all of this? Our first priority is to pray for the people of the Middle East, that the conflict may not spread and for a swift end to it, and above all, that the will of God will be done, for we really do not know what to pray for. However, Romans 8:26 tells us that “the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” We cannot condone all the suffering being experienced on both sides, but we do need to know the history of Israel, God’s chosen people. If we look back through the Old Testament we see that when God led the Israelites out of Egypt, through the Wilderness to Canaan, the land that He had promised to give them, other people were living there. As long as they obeyed God’s instructions, He promised to help them to win any battles. We can read about what is perhaps the best known of these in Joshua 6. This tells of the battle of Jericho, when God told Joshua exactly what to do. With the Ark of the Covenant following the armed men and seven priests with trumpets leading the way, everyone had to march round the walls of the city once every day. On the seventh day they had to march round it seven times. When the trumpets were blown Joshua told the people, “Shout, for the Lord has given you the city!” When the trumpets sounded and the people shouted, “the wall fell down flat. Then the people went into the city --- and took it.” (Joshua 6:16 & 20)


      We see from this example that when God’s people listen to His instructions and obey them that He leads them. In this day and age the Nations seem to have forgotten how to listen to the voice of God to guide them. It is also true of many individuals. In Matthew 5:38-39 Jesus said that people should not say, “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”, which was the way in those days, but should “turn the other cheek” instead and not take revenge. How do people know what is right? Psalm 119:30 says, “The entrance of your words gives light.” When we become Christians God’s Holy Spirit enters into us and guides us into all truth, but we each have to listen to God’s instructions, however they are given, then trust Him enough to follow what He says. It might be a verse of scripture or promptings in our own mind or from someone else. Jesus said in John 8:12, “I am the light of the World.” His light shines into the dark places in this world. As I write world leaders are visiting the Middle East to plead for caution on all sides. God is shining His light into the situation, but will it be heeded?   John 1:1-14 tells us that Jesus is the Light and the Word that was in the beginning and was God, then became flesh and lived among us, but was not received by His people. Those who did (and do) receive Him God “gave the right to become children of God, even those who believe in His name.” (v12)

   May we recognise and follow the guidance God gives to us.         Kathie     Quotes from NKJV




Website :            Contact:

   Pastoral Leader – Val Hulme ( Day Off  Fridays)

   email :          TEL  07817142192

   Check LBC website for updates and info also LBC FACEBOOK page             


Sunday 5th November 10:45 am:  Val Hulme

Sunday 12th November  No service * see note below *

Sunday 19th November 10:45am: Worship Service and Church and Congregation Annual General Meeting

Sunday 26th November 10:45am: Communion Service  Val Hulme


Wednesdays 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th November   Prayer Meeting  10:00 - 11:00 am  Meet at 9:45am for tea/coffee/chat


Saturday 4th November Chat 'n' a Brew 10:00am - 12:00pm **


Saturdays 11th, 18th, and 25th November  Walking With You Mutual Support Network 10:00 am - 12:00 noon 


Thursday 16th November Coffee+  1:00 - 3:30pm **


Deacons Meet: Wed 22nd Novr 11:15 am. Strategy Group: Thursday 2nd Nov 1:15 pm


Our next Church and Congregation Meeting will be on Sunday November 19th. It will be a Worship Service with Church and Congregation Annual General Meeting, starting at 10:45 am.


* Instead of a service on Remembrance Sunday, November 12th, we are giving people the opportunity to join the service at the Cenotaph.  We will once again be serving tea/coffee to passers-by. We had some good conversations last year - plus good weather!  We will need help with setting up the gazebo, and tables and chairs. (if the weather is good.) (9:45am) Please let Jean or Val know if you are able to help with this, you will still be able to join with the service at the Cenotaph should you wish to.


** This month sees the start of a new venture and the return of another. On the first Saturday of each month, we will be holding Chat 'n' a Brew, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm where you can come along for a coffee/tea/biscuits and a chat. Come for the whole 2 hours, or pop in for a shorter time.  

On the third Thursday of the month, we are bringing back our popular Coffee+ session, 1:00 - 3:30pm. Come along to chat, read a newspaper, attempt a jigsaw, play board games, craft (card making, crochet, knitting etc) or simply chat over a drink. 


Pastoral News    We were saddened to hear of the death of Kathleen Blears on 23rd October. Her funeral service will be held in church on Monday 6th November, 11:00 am, led by our Pastoral Leader. Our condolences and prayers are with the family.


Advance Notices

All Singers Great and Small Community Choir will be presenting a Christmas Concert in church on Wednesday 6th December, 7:30 pm.  Tickets, £5.00, will be available later this month.  (See Val)

Once again, we will be selling calendars, featuring the artwork of Linda Davey and Sandra Surridge.  The A3 size 2024 calendar will cost £8.00, or £10.50 if it needs to be posted. Thanks to Linda and Sandra for freely giving of their time and talents


God’s Guidance

   This year has seen so many disasters of different kinds we thought it couldn’t get any worse. The continual war in Ukraine was being shown to us on news items, but then came the horrible attack with hostage taking and killing of Israeli citizens, including visitors from other countries, and then the effort by Israel to finally stop Hamas. This in turn has led to the horrible situation in Gaza. All this in graphic detail is shown many times daily on all news channels. This affects not only those in the midst of it, but people all over the world, especially many of their relatives and friends living abroad.


   As Christians, how do we react to all of this? Our first priority is to pray for the people of the Middle East, that the conflict may not spread and for a swift end to it, and above all, that the will of God will be done, for we really do not know what to pray for. However, Romans 8:26 tells us that “the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” We cannot condone all the suffering being experienced on both sides, but we do need to know the history of Israel, God’s chosen people. If we look back through the Old Testament we see that when God led the Israelites out of Egypt, through the Wilderness to Canaan, the land that He had promised to give them, other people were living there. As long as they obeyed God’s instructions, He promised to help them to win any battles. We can read about what is perhaps the best known of these in Joshua 6. This tells of the battle of Jericho, when God told Joshua exactly what to do. With the Ark of the Covenant following the armed men and seven priests with trumpets leading the way, everyone had to march round the walls of the city once every day. On the seventh day they had to march round it seven times. When the trumpets were blown Joshua told the people, “Shout, for the Lord has given you the city!” When the trumpets sounded and the people shouted, “the wall fell down flat. Then the people went into the city --- and took it.” (Joshua 6:16 & 20)


      We see from this example that when God’s people listen to His instructions and obey them that He leads them. In this day and age the Nations seem to have forgotten how to listen to the voice of God to guide them. It is also true of many individuals. In Matthew 5:38-39 Jesus said that people should not say, “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”, which was the way in those days, but should “turn the other cheek” instead and not take revenge. How do people know what is right? Psalm 119:30 says, “The entrance of your words gives light.” When we become Christians God’s Holy Spirit enters into us and guides us into all truth, but we each have to listen to God’s instructions, however they are given, then trust Him enough to follow what He says. It might be a verse of scripture or promptings in our own mind or from someone else. Jesus said in John 8:12, “I am the light of the World.” His light shines into the dark places in this world. As I write world leaders are visiting the Middle East to plead for caution on all sides. God is shining His light into the situation, but will it be heeded?   John 1:1-14 tells us that Jesus is the Light and the Word that was in the beginning and was God, then became flesh and lived among us, but was not received by His people. Those who did (and do) receive Him God “gave the right to become children of God, even those who believe in His name.” (v12)

   May we recognise and follow the guidance God gives to us.         Kathie     Quotes from NKJV




Website :            Contact:

   Pastoral Leader – Val Hulme ( Day Off  Fridays)

   email :          TEL  07817142192

   Check LBC website for updates and info also LBC FACEBOOK page             


Sunday 5th November 10:45 am:  Val Hulme

Sunday 12th November  No service * see note below *

Sunday 19th November 10:45am: Worship Service and Church and Congregation Annual General Meeting

Sunday 26th November 10:45am: Communion Service  Val Hulme


Wednesdays 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th November   Prayer Meeting  10:00 - 11:00 am  Meet at 9:45am for tea/coffee/chat


Saturday 4th November Chat 'n' a Brew 10:00am - 12:00pm **


Saturdays 11th, 18th, and 25th November  Walking With You Mutual Support Network 10:00 am - 12:00 noon 


Thursday 16th November Coffee+  1:00 - 3:30pm **


Deacons Meet: Wed 22nd Novr 11:15 am. Strategy Group: Thursday 2nd Nov 1:15 pm


Our next Church and Congregation Meeting will be on Sunday November 19th. It will be a Worship Service with Church and Congregation Annual General Meeting, starting at 10:45 am.


* Instead of a service on Remembrance Sunday, November 12th, we are giving people the opportunity to join the service at the Cenotaph.  We will once again be serving tea/coffee to passers-by. We had some good conversations last year - plus good weather!  We will need help with setting up the gazebo, and tables and chairs. (if the weather is good.) (9:45am) Please let Jean or Val know if you are able to help with this, you will still be able to join with the service at the Cenotaph should you wish to.


** This month sees the start of a new venture and the return of another. On the first Saturday of each month, we will be holding Chat 'n' a Brew, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm where you can come along for a coffee/tea/biscuits and a chat. Come for the whole 2 hours, or pop in for a shorter time.  

On the third Thursday of the month, we are bringing back our popular Coffee+ session, 1:00 - 3:30pm. Come along to chat, read a newspaper, attempt a jigsaw, play board games, craft (card making, crochet, knitting etc) or simply chat over a drink. 


Pastoral News    We were saddened to hear of the death of Kathleen Blears on 23rd October. Her funeral service will be held in church on Monday 6th November, 11:00 am, led by our Pastoral Leader. Our condolences and prayers are with the family.


Advance Notices

All Singers Great and Small Community Choir will be presenting a Christmas Concert in church on Wednesday 6th December, 7:30 pm.  Tickets, £5.00, will be available later this month.  (See Val)

Once again, we will be selling calendars, featuring the artwork of Linda Davey and Sandra Surridge.  The A3 size 2024 calendar will cost £8.00, or £10.50 if it needs to be posted. Thanks to Linda and Sandra for freely giving of their time and talents


God’s Guidance

   This year has seen so many disasters of different kinds we thought it couldn’t get any worse. The continual war in Ukraine was being shown to us on news items, but then came the horrible attack with hostage taking and killing of Israeli citizens, including visitors from other countries, and then the effort by Israel to finally stop Hamas. This in turn has led to the horrible situation in Gaza. All this in graphic detail is shown many times daily on all news channels. This affects not only those in the midst of it, but people all over the world, especially many of their relatives and friends living abroad.


   As Christians, how do we react to all of this? Our first priority is to pray for the people of the Middle East, that the conflict may not spread and for a swift end to it, and above all, that the will of God will be done, for we really do not know what to pray for. However, Romans 8:26 tells us that “the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” We cannot condone all the suffering being experienced on both sides, but we do need to know the history of Israel, God’s chosen people. If we look back through the Old Testament we see that when God led the Israelites out of Egypt, through the Wilderness to Canaan, the land that He had promised to give them, other people were living there. As long as they obeyed God’s instructions, He promised to help them to win any battles. We can read about what is perhaps the best known of these in Joshua 6. This tells of the battle of Jericho, when God told Joshua exactly what to do. With the Ark of the Covenant following the armed men and seven priests with trumpets leading the way, everyone had to march round the walls of the city once every day. On the seventh day they had to march round it seven times. When the trumpets were blown Joshua told the people, “Shout, for the Lord has given you the city!” When the trumpets sounded and the people shouted, “the wall fell down flat. Then the people went into the city --- and took it.” (Joshua 6:16 & 20)


      We see from this example that when God’s people listen to His instructions and obey them that He leads them. In this day and age the Nations seem to have forgotten how to listen to the voice of God to guide them. It is also true of many individuals. In Matthew 5:38-39 Jesus said that people should not say, “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”, which was the way in those days, but should “turn the other cheek” instead and not take revenge. How do people know what is right? Psalm 119:30 says, “The entrance of your words gives light.” When we become Christians God’s Holy Spirit enters into us and guides us into all truth, but we each have to listen to God’s instructions, however they are given, then trust Him enough to follow what He says. It might be a verse of scripture or promptings in our own mind or from someone else. Jesus said in John 8:12, “I am the light of the World.” His light shines into the dark places in this world. As I write world leaders are visiting the Middle East to plead for caution on all sides. God is shining His light into the situation, but will it be heeded?   John 1:1-14 tells us that Jesus is the Light and the Word that was in the beginning and was God, then became flesh and lived among us, but was not received by His people. Those who did (and do) receive Him God “gave the right to become children of God, even those who believe in His name.” (v12)

   May we recognise and follow the guidance God gives to us.         Kathie     Quotes from NKJV




Website :            Contact:

   Pastoral Leader – Val Hulme ( Day Off  Fridays)

   email :          TEL  07817142192

   Check LBC website for updates and info also LBC FACEBOOK page             


Sunday 5th November 10:45 am:  Val Hulme

Sunday 12th November  No service * see note below *

Sunday 19th November 10:45am: Worship Service and Church and Congregation Annual General Meeting

Sunday 26th November 10:45am: Communion Service  Val Hulme


Wednesdays 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th November   Prayer Meeting  10:00 - 11:00 am  Meet at 9:45am for tea/coffee/chat


Saturday 4th November Chat 'n' a Brew 10:00am - 12:00pm **


Saturdays 11th, 18th, and 25th November  Walking With You Mutual Support Network 10:00 am - 12:00 noon 


Thursday 16th November Coffee+  1:00 - 3:30pm **


Deacons Meet: Wed 22nd Novr 11:15 am. Strategy Group: Thursday 2nd Nov 1:15 pm


Our next Church and Congregation Meeting will be on Sunday November 19th. It will be a Worship Service with Church and Congregation Annual General Meeting, starting at 10:45 am.


* Instead of a service on Remembrance Sunday, November 12th, we are giving people the opportunity to join the service at the Cenotaph.  We will once again be serving tea/coffee to passers-by. We had some good conversations last year - plus good weather!  We will need help with setting up the gazebo, and tables and chairs. (if the weather is good.) (9:45am) Please let Jean or Val know if you are able to help with this, you will still be able to join with the service at the Cenotaph should you wish to.


** This month sees the start of a new venture and the return of another. On the first Saturday of each month, we will be holding Chat 'n' a Brew, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm where you can come along for a coffee/tea/biscuits and a chat. Come for the whole 2 hours, or pop in for a shorter time.  

On the third Thursday of the month, we are bringing back our popular Coffee+ session, 1:00 - 3:30pm. Come along to chat, read a newspaper, attempt a jigsaw, play board games, craft (card making, crochet, knitting etc) or simply chat over a drink. 


Pastoral News    We were saddened to hear of the death of Kathleen Blears on 23rd October. Her funeral service will be held in church on Monday 6th November, 11:00 am, led by our Pastoral Leader. Our condolences and prayers are with the family.


Advance Notices

All Singers Great and Small Community Choir will be presenting a Christmas Concert in church on Wednesday 6th December, 7:30 pm.  Tickets, £5.00, will be available later this month.  (See Val)

Once again, we will be selling calendars, featuring the artwork of Linda Davey and Sandra Surridge.  The A3 size 2024 calendar will cost £8.00, or £10.50 if it needs to be posted. Thanks to Linda and Sandra for freely giving of their time and talents


God’s Guidance

   This year has seen so many disasters of different kinds we thought it couldn’t get any worse. The continual war in Ukraine was being shown to us on news items, but then came the horrible attack with hostage taking and killing of Israeli citizens, including visitors from other countries, and then the effort by Israel to finally stop Hamas. This in turn has led to the horrible situation in Gaza. All this in graphic detail is shown many times daily on all news channels. This affects not only those in the midst of it, but people all over the world, especially many of their relatives and friends living abroad.


   As Christians, how do we react to all of this? Our first priority is to pray for the people of the Middle East, that the conflict may not spread and for a swift end to it, and above all, that the will of God will be done, for we really do not know what to pray for. However, Romans 8:26 tells us that “the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” We cannot condone all the suffering being experienced on both sides, but we do need to know the history of Israel, God’s chosen people. If we look back through the Old Testament we see that when God led the Israelites out of Egypt, through the Wilderness to Canaan, the land that He had promised to give them, other people were living there. As long as they obeyed God’s instructions, He promised to help them to win any battles. We can read about what is perhaps the best known of these in Joshua 6. This tells of the battle of Jericho, when God told Joshua exactly what to do. With the Ark of the Covenant following the armed men and seven priests with trumpets leading the way, everyone had to march round the walls of the city once every day. On the seventh day they had to march round it seven times. When the trumpets were blown Joshua told the people, “Shout, for the Lord has given you the city!” When the trumpets sounded and the people shouted, “the wall fell down flat. Then the people went into the city --- and took it.” (Joshua 6:16 & 20)


      We see from this example that when God’s people listen to His instructions and obey them that He leads them. In this day and age the Nations seem to have forgotten how to listen to the voice of God to guide them. It is also true of many individuals. In Matthew 5:38-39 Jesus said that people should not say, “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”, which was the way in those days, but should “turn the other cheek” instead and not take revenge. How do people know what is right? Psalm 119:30 says, “The entrance of your words gives light.” When we become Christians God’s Holy Spirit enters into us and guides us into all truth, but we each have to listen to God’s instructions, however they are given, then trust Him enough to follow what He says. It might be a verse of scripture or promptings in our own mind or from someone else. Jesus said in John 8:12, “I am the light of the World.” His light shines into the dark places in this world. As I write world leaders are visiting the Middle East to plead for caution on all sides. God is shining His light into the situation, but will it be heeded?   John 1:1-14 tells us that Jesus is the Light and the Word that was in the beginning and was God, then became flesh and lived among us, but was not received by His people. Those who did (and do) receive Him God “gave the right to become children of God, even those who believe in His name.” (v12)

   May we recognise and follow the guidance God gives to us.         Kathie     Quotes from NKJV




Website :            Contact:

   Pastoral Leader – Val Hulme ( Day Off  Fridays)

   email :          TEL  07817142192

   Check LBC website for updates and info also LBC FACEBOOK page             


Sunday 5th November 10:45 am:  Val Hulme

Sunday 12th November  No service * see note below *

Sunday 19th November 10:45am: Worship Service and Church and Congregation Annual General Meeting

Sunday 26th November 10:45am: Communion Service  Val Hulme


Wednesdays 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th November   Prayer Meeting  10:00 - 11:00 am  Meet at 9:45am for tea/coffee/chat


Saturday 4th November Chat 'n' a Brew 10:00am - 12:00pm **


Saturdays 11th, 18th, and 25th November  Walking With You Mutual Support Network 10:00 am - 12:00 noon 


Thursday 16th November Coffee+  1:00 - 3:30pm **


Deacons Meet: Wed 22nd Novr 11:15 am. Strategy Group: Thursday 2nd Nov 1:15 pm


Our next Church and Congregation Meeting will be on Sunday November 19th. It will be a Worship Service with Church and Congregation Annual General Meeting, starting at 10:45 am.


* Instead of a service on Remembrance Sunday, November 12th, we are giving people the opportunity to join the service at the Cenotaph.  We will once again be serving tea/coffee to passers-by. We had some good conversations last year - plus good weather!  We will need help with setting up the gazebo, and tables and chairs. (if the weather is good.) (9:45am) Please let Jean or Val know if you are able to help with this, you will still be able to join with the service at the Cenotaph should you wish to.


** This month sees the start of a new venture and the return of another. On the first Saturday of each month, we will be holding Chat 'n' a Brew, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm where you can come along for a coffee/tea/biscuits and a chat. Come for the whole 2 hours, or pop in for a shorter time.  

On the third Thursday of the month, we are bringing back our popular Coffee+ session, 1:00 - 3:30pm. Come along to chat, read a newspaper, attempt a jigsaw, play board games, craft (card making, crochet, knitting etc) or simply chat over a drink. 


Pastoral News    We were saddened to hear of the death of Kathleen Blears on 23rd October. Her funeral service will be held in church on Monday 6th November, 11:00 am, led by our Pastoral Leader. Our condolences and prayers are with the family.


Advance Notices

All Singers Great and Small Community Choir will be presenting a Christmas Concert in church on Wednesday 6th December, 7:30 pm.  Tickets, £5.00, will be available later this month.  (See Val)

Once again, we will be selling calendars, featuring the artwork of Linda Davey and Sandra Surridge.  The A3 size 2024 calendar will cost £8.00, or £10.50 if it needs to be posted. Thanks to Linda and Sandra for freely giving of their time and talents


God’s Guidance

   This year has seen so many disasters of different kinds we thought it couldn’t get any worse. The continual war in Ukraine was being shown to us on news items, but then came the horrible attack with hostage taking and killing of Israeli citizens, including visitors from other countries, and then the effort by Israel to finally stop Hamas. This in turn has led to the horrible situation in Gaza. All this in graphic detail is shown many times daily on all news channels. This affects not only those in the midst of it, but people all over the world, especially many of their relatives and friends living abroad.


   As Christians, how do we react to all of this? Our first priority is to pray for the people of the Middle East, that the conflict may not spread and for a swift end to it, and above all, that the will of God will be done, for we really do not know what to pray for. However, Romans 8:26 tells us that “the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” We cannot condone all the suffering being experienced on both sides, but we do need to know the history of Israel, God’s chosen people. If we look back through the Old Testament we see that when God led the Israelites out of Egypt, through the Wilderness to Canaan, the land that He had promised to give them, other people were living there. As long as they obeyed God’s instructions, He promised to help them to win any battles. We can read about what is perhaps the best known of these in Joshua 6. This tells of the battle of Jericho, when God told Joshua exactly what to do. With the Ark of the Covenant following the armed men and seven priests with trumpets leading the way, everyone had to march round the walls of the city once every day. On the seventh day they had to march round it seven times. When the trumpets were blown Joshua told the people, “Shout, for the Lord has given you the city!” When the trumpets sounded and the people shouted, “the wall fell down flat. Then the people went into the city --- and took it.” (Joshua 6:16 & 20)


      We see from this example that when God’s people listen to His instructions and obey them that He leads them. In this day and age the Nations seem to have forgotten how to listen to the voice of God to guide them. It is also true of many individuals. In Matthew 5:38-39 Jesus said that people should not say, “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”, which was the way in those days, but should “turn the other cheek” instead and not take revenge. How do people know what is right? Psalm 119:30 says, “The entrance of your words gives light.” When we become Christians God’s Holy Spirit enters into us and guides us into all truth, but we each have to listen to God’s instructions, however they are given, then trust Him enough to follow what He says. It might be a verse of scripture or promptings in our own mind or from someone else. Jesus said in John 8:12, “I am the light of the World.” His light shines into the dark places in this world. As I write world leaders are visiting the Middle East to plead for caution on all sides. God is shining His light into the situation, but will it be heeded?   John 1:1-14 tells us that Jesus is the Light and the Word that was in the beginning and was God, then became flesh and lived among us, but was not received by His people. Those who did (and do) receive Him God “gave the right to become children of God, even those who believe in His name.” (v12)

   May we recognise and follow the guidance God gives to us.         Kathie     Quotes from NKJV



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